

The first week of the year is about to end! Here is a list of some of the things we do at Tom's Transmission and Auto Service!

Auto Repair
Automatic Transmission Rebuilding
ManualTransmission Rebuilding
Brake Inspection and Repair
Clutch Replacement and Service
Automatic Transmission Fluid Exchange
Automatic Transmission Filter and Gasket Replacement
Automatic Transmission Drain & Fill
Transmission Repair
Problem Analysis
Certified Repair and Maintenance
Differential Service and Repair
Factory Scheduled Maintenance
Electrical/Electronic Systems Diagnosis and Repair
Routine Maintenance
Heating and Air Conditioning Service
Diesel Repair
Performance and Durability Upgrades
Engine Repair
Suspension and Steering

Any questions? visit our official website for more information! start this year with the right foot!


Day 7/365

We all know that we love traveling, road trips, going out with family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, pets, our whoever we feel comfortable with. But do we ever stop to think about all the needs of our vehicles?

Like many of us, vehicles have needs. So for the safety of that special someone and yourself, make sure to check the air filter, check the fluids and tire pressure, check the battery, get the tires rotated and balanced if necessary, check the windshields and the wipers, ensure the working of the cooling system, and finally but not least, make sure the brakes are working good enough for a trip.

If you have any questions, call us at  (661)251-3438, send us an email at TomsTrans@gmail.com, or book an appointment online at http://tomstrans.com/appointment/


January 2019

It's 2019 already, isn't crazy how fast 2018 went by?
This year like any other we have new resolutions, new goals, and new plans. However, sometimes the costs of a car repair might ruin some of those plans and things don't come out as we wanted them. So remember, before any damage is spread, bring your vehicle for a complete vehicle inspection to Tom's Transmission and Auto Service, we will be happy to help you fix those car or truck issues so that your vehicle is ready to go this year!
