
What is it so important about a vehicle inspection?

Summer heat is here and we all know that it only keeps getting warmer day by day. During this time of the year, there are two main reasons why vehicles tend to have more issues, driving more miles because of family road trips and high temperatures causing damages on all the systems in your vehicle.

We all know that everyone wants to go out in this season especially to cooler areas, but in order to do so, you need to make sure your vehicle is in good conditions to get on the road. If you feel that something is not right, do not hesitate because the damage might spread around and it will cost you more money.Remember that going on vacation also requires a good amount of money to pump gas into your car so you don't want to spend it all on your vehicle's repairs when you could have paid less by paying more attention to your vehicle's first sign of a problem.

At Tom's Transmission and Auto Service, we know how valuable is your time as well as ours, and because of that, we like working on an appointment basis. Scheduling an appointment online or by phone is one of the best options if you want your vehicle to be ready before those vacations that you have been planning all year long.

In order for our experts to diagnose a problem with your vehicle, the first thing we need to do is a complete inspection since there are various parts that keep your car working, and if one of those parts starts having issues, the damage can spread and it will affect other areas causing more and more damages until your car completely stops.

Here are 4 things to pay attention to before getting on the road. Remember that Tom's Transmission and Auto Service is here to help you fix your vehicle.

  • Tires: The higher the temperature gets the higher the risk of a blowout. Check the tires before going out since you do not want your family vacations to get ruin halfway of your destination; tread depth, tire wear, and check the overall tire condition.

  • Coolant system: Check to make sure the coolant level is full and inspect its condition. Don't forget that coolant needs to be replaced frequently to maintain the system working well and its really important to make sure you use the correct fluid to save money. If the coolant level is low you need to find out why and the consequences of it, for which it's better if an expert technician checks it before you do anything to your car. This could also be a sign of a leak that can lead to an overheating breakdown especially with the temperature of this summer. 

  • Air Conditioning: With the summer heat increasing, I'm sure you do not want to be stuck in traffic without A/C. If you noticed your system is blowing cool air, or even worse, hot air! it's time to get it to fix before going on your vacation. Sometimes it can be really frustrating to be on the road under this heat without anything to keep you cool while you drive. Also, remember that the system can cause serious damage to the compressor resulting in higher repair cost.

  • Oil Change: The hot conditions speed up the process that breaks down oil. Make sure you change your engine oil and get a clean filter when needed.

If you feel 2 out 4 points of this list apply to you, do not wait any longer and contact us at  (661)251-3438. Consider that a complete vehicle inspection can prevent costly breakdowns and repairs. Visit our official page for more information or schedule an appointment online. Make sure to enjoy this warmer season with your loved ones!

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